Saturday, September 13, 2008

2 Weeks Today!

In two weeks time... I'll be living in Birmingham! THATS A SCARY THOUGHT!! No, I'm really looking forward to it. I've got all of my stuff bought and ready to go! Seems like a lot of stuff to fit into a small room! I bought some pots and pans a few weeks ago and have been making loads of stuff in them ready for Uni. I'm a pretty keen Chef to be honest! Find it really relaxing! So cooking isn't a chore for me, just need to find the cheap supermarkets to keep on track with the budget! On the other hand i've been practising a bit of ironing, and I hate it! It must be the most boring chore in the world! Is anyone willing to swap cooking for ironing??? Please!

I'm not in the slightest worried about going to Aston yet, which I think is good....... but we shall see! I'll probably be a bag of nerves when it comes closer to the date when we move in. I dont know how I'm going to feel in a weeks' time because most of my school friends go off to their uni's on the 22nd, and Aston is a week later! So I'm going to be sat around on my own, well.... there is a few people still left...... but i'll be seeing all of their freshers party pictures on the internet and will just want to be enjoying my own freshers week!

I think it could almost be fact that, Facebook has changed the whole 'going to uni' situation! I have found the guy in the room next door to me in my flat, and loads of people on my course.... all via facebook! I've been looking at all the information about freshers week, on the guild website.

Fancy Dress!!! Everyone's worst nightmare??? Beach is easy! The other two...... I'm having a think about........ any ideas?

School Uniform??? (I wore a suit in 6th form, I may have to borrow my brothers ties etc)

Profession? (I've got a bit of an idea for this one.... still not sure...)


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