Friday, September 26, 2008

the night before!!!

Hello again,

I thought I would do one a blog just before I set off to Aston! I've been packing the last few days and I've really had enough of it can't wait to get my stuff there now but I think there may be too much stuff! I've got about four suitcases and the same number of boxes and I'm hoping I can do it in two journeys. I'm slightly nervous but it's not too bad, I physically feel a lot more nervous than I do mentally if that makes sense! For example I've got butterflies in my stomach but actually I'm not that nervous about it all which is good. Anyway I've got a really early start in the morning so I'm going to keep this a very short blog.D


Sunday, September 14, 2008


I've set it so you don't need to register to leave comments! So very easy to so now!


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So! Why did I choose Aston?

Well.... About, a year ago.... I was making my university choices and had planned to visit all of the universities i wanted to go to before the summer started, which I managed to do apart from Aston!!! It clashed with something I couldn't change, so I didn't attend the open day. I still decided to apply to Aston as it had a brilliant reputation and was well known for its placement years. I wanted to do a course with a placement year so that I had the relevant experience, which will hopefully set me apart from many other prospective job applicants, and I think it helps you understand what you are learning about more.

So my UCAS application when off! I did it pretty early on, I think I sent it early October, and got a reply within 5 days from Aston! The first one to reply. So I decided to visit Aston on one of their visit days for people that have had offers. I was very impressed with the facilities and I really liked the campus feel! It made me dislike all my other university choices a lot more! From then on I only wanted to go to Aston.
I think that Aston just had something about it that made it feel like.......... Well the best of Both Worlds, as you get a City environment with lots to do ‘on your doorstep’ and the friendly and safe feeling of a campus.
So after accepting my offer from Aston, I soon found out that one of my old friends, Laura also had applied to Aston! We never had discussed University choices much really and I didn’t know where she had applied to! Personally, I was really pleased to know that I will have a friendly face around, I don’t know if she feels the same (Here’s the point at where you comment Laura and say something on the lines of ‘Corse I feel the same!’)!! We keep discuss stuff about MAP etc, which when you are enrolling online, is asking you to do something new every day! If you can work your way through MAP you deserve a First! I’ve already gone wrong once, and so has Laura but.... she won’t admit it! I just phoned them up and got it sorted!
Been trying to sort out what I need to do to transfer my NHS records to the GP at Aston, but my local Doctors will not give me my NHS record card, and well the PCT are as useful as... chocolate fireman! Just going to leave it until I get to Aston!

13 Days to go!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

2 Weeks Today!

In two weeks time... I'll be living in Birmingham! THATS A SCARY THOUGHT!! No, I'm really looking forward to it. I've got all of my stuff bought and ready to go! Seems like a lot of stuff to fit into a small room! I bought some pots and pans a few weeks ago and have been making loads of stuff in them ready for Uni. I'm a pretty keen Chef to be honest! Find it really relaxing! So cooking isn't a chore for me, just need to find the cheap supermarkets to keep on track with the budget! On the other hand i've been practising a bit of ironing, and I hate it! It must be the most boring chore in the world! Is anyone willing to swap cooking for ironing??? Please!

I'm not in the slightest worried about going to Aston yet, which I think is good....... but we shall see! I'll probably be a bag of nerves when it comes closer to the date when we move in. I dont know how I'm going to feel in a weeks' time because most of my school friends go off to their uni's on the 22nd, and Aston is a week later! So I'm going to be sat around on my own, well.... there is a few people still left...... but i'll be seeing all of their freshers party pictures on the internet and will just want to be enjoying my own freshers week!

I think it could almost be fact that, Facebook has changed the whole 'going to uni' situation! I have found the guy in the room next door to me in my flat, and loads of people on my course.... all via facebook! I've been looking at all the information about freshers week, on the guild website.

Fancy Dress!!! Everyone's worst nightmare??? Beach is easy! The other two...... I'm having a think about........ any ideas?

School Uniform??? (I wore a suit in 6th form, I may have to borrow my brothers ties etc)

Profession? (I've got a bit of an idea for this one.... still not sure...)


Friday, September 12, 2008


Just managed to get my Blackberry working with blogger! Now can upload posts and pics!


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My First Post!


I'm Harry, and well, this is my first post on Aston's Freshers Blogger, and I'm going to hopefully continue it for the next year! So... here goes! I must say, I would really appreciate constructive comments!

So why is today my first post? To be honest its because Aston Uni set this up for me today, but also because I went to Birmingham for a visit today!

I started at 10.30am, dropped my brother off at school, then got to Goole Station. I live in East Yorkshire, and there are a severe lack of train stations around here! I also must add that I very rarely go on trains so this was a whole new experience for me! Got on the train and went to Sheffield, where I got another train to Birmingham New Street. All the trains were really prompt so was very good so far! I got to Birmingham at about 1pm, and went to the Champagne bar and restaurant as a treat before I went to uni, and they had a really good 5 course lunch on so had that! Then headed to Aston Uni Campus!

Coughs 'Easily stumbling distance' from the City Centre. I had a look around the Campus again, I've been a few times before but wanted to familiarise myself with it all! Make me even more excited about going in 2 weeks!!! The small Campus feel in a big city is just what I wanted! Dalton Tower seems to be the best place to live, in my opinion! lol. Can't wait for Freshers to Start!

I also had a look in the main building to try and see where the Engineering department was, but struggled to find it on the maps, oh and they already have the signs up for Enrolment in G63 if my memory serves my correctly?!?!

I headed back to the City Centre and the Bullring and did a bit of shopping, then walked back, in the rain to Birmingham New Street and got the Train to Doncaster, then got a transfer back to Goole.

This probably will be the most boring post that I will do! ( I promise!) But I thought I'd get going on it and don't worry Freshers is going to be very well documented, with photos if I can manage to upload them!